Our office

BigG Hair’s main office is located in Hanoi, Vietnam. Here in our main office, our dedicated team of 150 employees comes together to manage and grow the business. From the moment you step through our doors, you’ll feel the energy and passion that drives us forward.

BigG Hair’s main office

This office isn’t just a workplace – it’s a collaborative hub where ideas are born, projects are executed, and goals are achieved. Whether it’s brainstorming sessions in our meeting rooms, strategy discussions over coffee in the break room, or team collaborations in the open-concept workspaces, creativity and innovation thrive within these walls.

But our office isn’t just about ideas – it’s also the nerve center of our supply chain and logistics operations. From here, we coordinate the transportation of our premium hair products to destinations across the globe, ensuring that our customers, whether in the USA or beyond, receive their orders promptly and efficiently.

BigG Hair Office

Furthermore, to better serve customers around the world, BigG Hair has expanded our reach by opening representative offices in other countries. In Lagos, Nigeria, and Los Angeles, USA, these offices serve as hubs for local operations, ensuring that customers receive personalized attention and support wherever they are.

In each new location, we strive to create a welcoming and professional environment that reflects our commitment to excellence. Whether in Hanoi or beyond, BigG Hair always shows our dedication to making customers happy.