5 Customer Service Tips for Dealing with Difficult Clients

Last updated 2023-07-18

In the salon industry, delivering exceptional customer service is paramount to success. While most clients are delightful to work with, dealing with difficult clients can pose challenges. However, with the right strategies and approach, you can navigate these situations smoothly and turn them into positive experiences.

At BigG Hair, we understand the importance of providing outstanding customer service. In this blog post, we will share 5 valuable tips tailored to help you handle difficult clients effectively, ensuring client satisfaction and loyalty.

5 customer service tips for dealing with difficult clients

Nowadays, delivering exceptional customer service has become more important than ever. Clients have higher expectations and want the best value for their money. It’s crucial to prioritize customer satisfaction and embrace the timeless adage, “The customer is always right.” This principle holds even more significance if you aim to cultivate customer loyalty and receive valuable referrals. To effectively handle difficult clients and ensure their continued patronage, here are 5 essential strategies to consider

Team Connection

Ensure that your team is connecting well with clients by prioritizing a customer-centric culture. Encourage your team members to always have customer service in mind, along with their technical skills. Empathy is key for understanding when clients need extra attention and care. Additionally, problem-solving abilities and emotional intelligence are essential for reading and addressing the client’s emotions.

Pro tip: Once a week, engage in role-playing scenarios with each team member to observe how they handle different situations. Provide guidance and reward the best participant with a prize. This fun competition will be educational and motivate everyone to improve their performance.

Handling difficult clients

It can be puzzling when clients who complain repeatedly continue coming back to your salon. However, it’s crucial to address any negative impact they have on your staff. As the owner or manager, schedule a one-on-one conversation with the client to understand their concerns. Perhaps there are issues with the receptionist’s attire, the stylist’s perfume, or a wobbly styling chair. It’s important to identify any valid underlying problems. Consider taking the client to a nearby café to have a more relaxed and open discussion. Remember, you can even write off the lunch as a business expense!

Understanding your clients

To connect with your clients on a deeper level, take the time to get to know them and their lives. Instead of just providing hair services, make an effort to understand their needs and circumstances. Sometimes difficult clients simply want to feel valued and understood.

Handling unhappy customers

When dealing with an upset customer, remember that they are not directing their anger at you personally, but at the salon. Stay composed and avoid interrupting them. Let them express their concerns fully before offering a solution. When presenting a solution, speak sincerely and use a soothing tone. Keep your voice calm and maintain a high level of empathy, even if you disagree with their perspective.

If the customer is causing a scene at the front desk, politely ask her to accompany you to a private office or a separate room where you can have an uninterrupted conversation. Explain that you want to give her your undivided attention without any distractions from other customers or staff members.


After presenting a solution to the customer’s problem, it’s important to follow up and ensure their satisfaction. If they come in for a corrective service, check on their progress at the station. If a refund was issued, contact them after 10 days to confirm if the charge has been successfully removed from their account. Send a handwritten note to apologize and ask for a second chance. Even if you don’t want their business, taking the higher road will reflect positively on your business and discourage negative word-of-mouth.

Helpful tip: Keep your staff in check and discourage discussing difficult clients with regular customers, especially on the salon floor. This is not the appropriate time or place for such conversations. Remember, the world is small, and you never know who might be listening.

Introducing BigG Hair

BigG Hair is one of the reputable brands in the hair industry, dedicated to providing high quality extensions, exceptional services and support to salon owners. As a salon owner, partnering with BigG Hair brings a range of benefits that can elevate your business.

By choosing BigG Hair as your partner, you gain access to high-quality extensions that are renowned for their softness, durability, and natural look. Our extensions meet the highest standards, allowing you to offer your clients the best in hair transformations and style enhancements.

In addition to our premium extensions, partnering with BigG Hair means gaining access to our extensive expertise and industry knowledge. Our team has over ten years of experience in the hair extensions industry, and we are dedicated to supporting salon owners like you. We understand the challenges you face and are here to provide personalized guidance, assistance, and resources to help you succeed. Whether you need help with packaging labels, marketing strategies, or branding solutions, we are committed to being your trusted partner every step of the way.

At BigG Hair, we believe in building strong and long-lasting relationships with our salon partners. We value open communication, excellent customer service, and a collaborative approach. Your success is our success, and we are invested in helping you thrive in the salon industry.

Frequently asked questions

1. Why is customer service important when dealing with difficult clients?

Customer service is vital when handling difficult clients because it allows you to address their concerns, build trust, and find effective solutions. It helps to maintain positive relationships, enhance client satisfaction, and ensure their continued loyalty.

2. How can active listening help when dealing with difficult clients?

Active listening enables you to understand the client’s perspective, validate their concerns, and show empathy. It helps to create a safe and open environment for communication, leading to better problem-solving and resolution of issues.

3. Why is empathy important in customer service with difficult clients?

Empathy plays a crucial role in customer service as it allows you to connect emotionally with the client. It shows that you understand their feelings and concerns, fostering a sense of trust and indicating that you genuinely care about their experience.

4. How can clear communication benefit in handling difficult clients?

Clear communication helps manage expectations, avoids misunderstandings, and ensures that both parties are on the same page.

5. What are some practical ways to maintain professionalism when handling difficult clients?

Maintaining professionalism involves staying calm, composed, and respectful even in challenging situations. It requires avoiding personalization of the client’s frustrations and responding in a courteous manner, ensuring a positive interaction.


Handling difficult clients effectively is crucial in the salon industry. At BigG Hair, we understand the importance of exceptional customer service and have provided you with 5 valuable tips to navigate challenging situations successfully. If you have any questions, please contact our team for more information.

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