BigG Hair’s Community Initiatives: Transforming Lives and Nurturing Communities

Last updated 2023-06-12

BigG Hair is committed to making a positive impact on communities and has implemented a range of remarkable initiatives aimed at empowering and supporting those in need. From providing bicycles to underprivileged students, extending support to compatriots in the South Central Coast region, offering scholarships, and donating to the front line against the Covid-19 pandemic, to building schools in Lao Cai, BigG is dedicated to transforming lives and fostering community development.

Provide bicycles to poor students

At BigG, we believe that giving back to the community is not only our duty but also a great privilege. One of the ways that the company is giving back is by providing bicycles to poor students at Yen Thang Primary School in Y Yen District, Nam Dinh Province.

This charitable initiative is aimed at reducing transportation barriers that may prevent students from attending school regularly, particularly those from low-income families.
By providing bicycles to poor students, BigG Hair is not only supporting education but also helping to build stronger communities. When students have better access to education, they are more likely to succeed academically and achieve their full potential.

Scholarship fund

BigG Hair understands the importance of education and the challenges that students from low-income families face in pursuing their academic goals. That’s why we offer a scholarship program aimed at providing financial support. Through our annual gifts and scholarships, we extend a helping hand to support these students’ educational pursuits.

Our scholarship program is open to students who are currently studying at primary, secondary, and high schools and come from economically disadvantaged backgrounds. We deeply appreciate the dedication and hard work these students exhibit, even in the face of financial difficulties. So, we believe that investing in education today paves the way for a better tomorrow.

Donate to the front line to fight the Covid-19 epidemic

The Covid-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on our communities, BigG Hair recognizes the tireless efforts of front-line workers who are working to fight the virus and keep our communities safe. We understand the importance of supporting these essential workers who put themselves at risk every day to help others.

So, BigG Hair has made donations to organizations that provide support to front-line workers. Our donations are aimed at providing much-needed support to these workers, and we hope to alleviate some of the stress and burden that front-line workers are facing, both physically and mentally.

We believe that it is important for all of us to come together and support each other during this challenging time. We are all in this together, and it is up to each and every one of us to do our part to help fight the Covid-19 epidemic.

Build kindergarten school in Lao Cai

BigG Hair is honored to have built the Lao Chai Kindergarten at Hoang Lien Commune, Sapa Town, Lao Cai Province, in our continued efforts to support underprivileged children in their pursuit of education.

Sa Pa is a beautiful mountainous area in northwest Vietnam, but many local families struggle to make ends meet and provide their children with basic needs like access to education. We hope that our kindergarten will provide a strong foundation for these young learners to thrive and reach their full potential. Our team has worked tirelessly to create a space that fosters creativity, curiosity, and a love of learning.

We’re thrilled to see the smiles on the faces of our little ones as they explore their new surroundings and make new friends.

We are grateful for the support of our community in making this project a reality. Through donations and contributions, we were able to build a kindergarten that will make a lasting difference in the lives of many children in Sa Pa. We hope to continue to make a positive impact in the lives of underprivileged children and encourage others to join us in this important mission.


BigG’s community initiatives exemplify the company’s dedication to making a positive impact. Through these activities, BigG empowers lives, promotes education, supports communities, and contributes to societal well-being. By prioritizing these initiatives, BigG is actively working towards a more equitable and prosperous future for all.

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