BigG Hair marathon – Run with heart 2023

Last updated 2023-06-24

On June 17, 2023, the highly successful BigG Hair Marathon took place at Mai Dich Park, with the enthusiastic participation of nearly 20 dedicated employees.

This invigorating event was designed to inspire the entire team to embrace physical training and sports, fostering exercise habits, improving health, enhancing quality of life, and cultivating a positive sportsmanship mindset in every situation.

The remarkable determination and resilience demonstrated by the BigG Hair staff were nothing short of astonishing, leaving us pleasantly SURPRISED, deeply IMPRESSED, and truly AMAZED.

The majority of runners triumphantly completed the race, earning themselves beautiful medals as a well-deserved recognition of their extraordinary efforts.

We sincerely hope that each member of BigG Hair will continue to uphold the spirit of sportsmanship in the future.

Our heartfelt gratitude goes out to everyone—the exceptional members of BigG Hair—who came together to ensure the resounding success of this event.

Once again, the organizers extend their warmest congratulations to all the deserving winners.

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