BigG continues to expand the factory to meet the demands of the market

Last updated 2023-06-09

When mentioning hair extensions, it is impossible not to mention BigG Hair, a company that specializes in producing and distributing hair extensions to global markets. Up to this point, after 10 years of establishment and development, we take great pride in being the foremost manufacturer and supplier of hair in Vietnam. Thanks to the existing advantage of having a direct factory, available raw materials, and on-site workers, BigG Hai’’s production capacity is increasing rapidly and meeting the growing needs of the international markets.

Foundation and development


Beginning with a tiny traditional hair-producing hamlet in Nam Dinh, Vietnam, with a meager monthly production of just 5 tons. We have grown to be the top hair extension manufacturer in Vietnam, producing three times as much. We are confident in our ability to meet all output requirements for customers ranging from retail to hair salons to wholesalers.

Our distribution network is worldwide in scope, not simply regional. BigG Hair is now a dependable and efficient provider in the hair extension market, thanks to a major expansion in production capacity. This significant increase in production capacity makes BigG Hair a reliable and efficient supplier in the hair extensions industry.

Ambitious expansion capacity

Recognizing the need for increased capacity, we have ambitious plans for the near future. By 2024, BigG Hair intends to expand its workforce from 400 workers to an impressive 1000 workers. This substantial increase in the number of skilled employees will enhance the factory’s capabilities and allow for more efficient production processes. The additional workforce will enable BigG to handle larger volumes of orders and fulfill customer requirements promptly.

In line with the expansion of the workforce, BigG Hair aims to boost its production capacity significantly. The factory plans to ramp up its output from 15 tons per month to over 30 tons per month. This expansion will allow BigG Hair to cater to a wider customer base, both domestically and internationally while ensuring a steady supply of high-quality hair extensions. By scaling up its operations and maintaining its commitment to excellence, BigG Hair is poised to become a dominant player in the global hair manufacturing and supply sector.

Production quality is strictly controlled

We commit that scaling is always associated with product quality.  Quality control measures are taken seriously to ensure that all products meet the highest standards. From the sourcing of raw materials to the final packaging, every step is closely monitored to ensure that quality and capacity go hand-in-hand.

At various stages of production, our quality control personnel conduct thorough inspections and tests to identify and rectify any potential issues. They meticulously examine the hair extensions for any defects, such as inconsistencies in texture, color discrepancies, or irregularities in length.  By strictly controlling production quality, BigG hair extensions factory prioritizes customer satisfaction and maintains its reputation as a leader and trusted hair extensions supplier.

The evolving OEM and ODM capacity

Besides, our OEM and ODM capacity is also continuously evolving, consistently improving with each passing year. BigG has made significant investments in research and development, ensuring that our products remain at the forefront of the industry. The capacity of BigG enables them to create innovative and unique designs that reflect the latest fashion trends and cater to the diverse preferences of their customers.

Through collaborations with industry experts and creative partnerships, BigG pushes the boundaries of hair extension design, allowing individuals to express their individuality with confidence. As a result, the OEM and ODM capacity of BigG hair extensions continues to improve, providing customers with increasingly exceptional and satisfying experiences.

Commit to ensuring the environmental problem

In addition to quality control, we also prioritize environmental responsibility by using sustainable practices throughout their production process. This includes reducing waste, conserving energy, and minimizing their carbon footprint. By choosing products from our company, you can make a positive impact on the environment while still enjoying high-quality hair products.

With over a decade of experience, we have established ourselves as a reliable and efficient provider in the industry. Through ambitious expansion plans, we aim to increase our workforce and production capacity, ensuring we can meet the growing demands of international markets. By choosing BigG Hair, you not only receive top-quality hair products but also contribute to a more sustainable future.

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